What is Body Sugaring?
Body sugaring is a form of natural hair removal.
What is it made of?
All natural products- sugar, lemon, and water.
Is sugaring painful?
All hair removal can be painful, after all, we are removing hair from the root. Everyone has a different pain tolerance so you won't know until you try it, but in our experience, no one has run screaming for the hills.
Does it hurt as much as waxing?
Pain is subjective. Some prefer sugar. Some prefer hard wax. We love both for different reasons. Ask
Can Sugaring burn or tear the skin like traditional waxing?
No. Sugar is water soluble and will not stick to the live skin cells and is applied at body temperature, never hot!
Can you eat the sugar paste?
Yes, preferably before we use it on you! Very tasty!
What is the difference in waxing and sugaring?
They differ in temperature, application, the direction hair is removed in, the amount of time for the service, how much hair is removed in a service, and the biggest thing is the end result. Sugar is applied against the hair growth and removes the hair in the natrual direction in which it grows, this allows better extraction with less breakage of the hair. The sugar is applied at body temperature, so no burning. The sugar does not require 10-14 days of hair growth, we only need about 5 days from the day last shaved/from the moment you see visible growth from your l last session.
I'm planning my wedding/special occasion/vacation when should I get sugared?
Your first visit should 10-12 days before your wedding, then come back in for a 7 day clean up a day or two before your wedding day. This will allow for the best results for that special time!
Can you drink alcohol before your service to help relax?
Alcohol actually does NOT help at all and should be saved for after your service.
What can I take to help ease the discomfort?
We are not doctors so we do not recomended anything, but if you had a headache what would you take?